That strange looking guy in the Hawaiian shirt and the saddle shoes is Baltimore's own Tom Lilly, a performer who combines magic, juggling, fire-eating, and balloonacy with loads of audience participation to produce a show that leaves all ages laughing and wondering.
"You know from the laughter, smiles, and wide eyes of wonder that we all enjoyed every minute of the show!" Baltimore Co. Public Library
"You're the strangest adult I've ever seen." Billy, age 7

Tom Lilly began performing in 1984 and quickly became a regular at area hospitals and libraries. Already in demand on the birthday party circuit, Tom was soon a featured performer on the family stage at Baltimore City Fair and at the Cloisters Children's Museum. He was a regular at the Harborplace ampitheater, Artscape, and schools around the state. Summer finds him entertaining at company picnics, summer camps, libraries, or on the boardwalk in Ocean City.
Books Are A Blast is the show Tom designed to tour libraries throughout the mid-Atlantic. Combining magic and Tom's keen interest in reading, the show has introduced thousands of children to the world's fastest bookworms, Tom's take on Lady Liberty and Uncle Sammy, Seemore the Psychic Snake, and Beowulf T. Wonderbunny appearing in his very own bookmobile.
Books Are A Blast is the show Tom designed to tour libraries throughout the mid-Atlantic. Combining magic and Tom's keen interest in reading, the show has introduced thousands of children to the world's fastest bookworms, Tom's take on Lady Liberty and Uncle Sammy, Seemore the Psychic Snake, and Beowulf T. Wonderbunny appearing in his very own bookmobile.
Magic, Juggling, Fire-eating & BalloonacyWith eighteen years of teaching high school, Tom knows how to grab - and keep - an audience's attention. When you see that tacky shirt and those saddle shoes, expect what one young fan called, "a laughing good time!"
It's Hoppy Birthday Time!
There's magic in the air from the moment Beowulf arrives with his assistant Tom. A little balloonacy makes the birthday child the star, then the action really gets going! A wizard's hat, a jumping stool, instant flowers, maybe even a giant spider! At the end everybody gets to pet Beowulf the Wonderbunny, and there are balloon animals for the guests to take home!
People Are Talking
"We didn't want the act to end. It's rare to find such quality entertainment!" Pack 64
"You were a huge hit with the parents and children alike!" Reisterstown Nursery School
"The children and adults were amazed by the magic you created. Thank you again for all the laughter and enjoyment." Hereford Library
"You were a huge hit with the parents and children alike!" Reisterstown Nursery School
"The children and adults were amazed by the magic you created. Thank you again for all the laughter and enjoyment." Hereford Library